Monday, April 14, 2008

Penis to Body Mass Index

PBMI, that's right PBMI (Penis to Body Mass Index). This is the ratio of body weight divided by penile weight. American men seem to come up short. While I haven't made a scientific study of locker rooms, gay baths and nudist resorts, it just seems logical. As Americans pack on the pounds, American penises don't grow commensurately; in fact, there's evidence of shrinkage, especially relating to the testicles.

Let's take a look at what men drive based on their PBMI.
(Oops, this little fella obviously doesn't need to drive anything).

Let's say a 150 pound man has a four ounce penis (my approximation), about the average weight of a 5 to 6 inch member. The ratio is 600, or his body weighs 600 times the weight of his penis and is likely to drive something that looks like this:

A 300 pound man, even without a deduction for shrinkage, has a ratio of 1200 and drives any one of these babies.

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