I've advocated environmental causes for years with little impact.
My advice to other environmentalists: don't waste your time discussing global warming, it will undermine your cause. First, let's follow the "logical" syllogism of non-believers:
1) global warming doesn't exist (most radical right wingers now disavow this),
2) if it exists, 6.7 billion humans don't contribute (a common US Christian belief, although non-US Christians think otherwise),
3) if it is man's fault, God wants it--our manifest destiny (God encouraging good Christians to rape North America) or perhaps to encourage the second coming.
Within this astute "scientific" community, global warming and evolution are hoaxes, virgin births and physical resurrections are scientific fact. But these folks experience the same sights and smells as environmentalists; they have inhaled vehicular exhaust, seen polluted cities, and noticed fouled waters. They might even be aware of the connection between pollution and human illness.
Therefore, I propose a temporary moratorium on trying to convince anyone about global warming and refocus efforts on what people see and smell. Let's show them a picture of a pretty white girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, suffering from pollution.
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