Saturday, July 5, 2008

Datura wrightii (Western Jimson-weed)

Datura is a member of the Northern Mexico hallucinogenic triumvirate: mescalito (mescaline/cactus), yerba del Diablo (Datura/Jimson weed), and humito (Psilocybe/mushroom) described in The Teachings of Don Juan. Of the three, Don Juan felt Datura was the most dangerous and “[he] realized she was not for me....” Nevertheless, this first-hand “cookbook” gives detailed instructions for DIY gathering, preparation, ingestion, tripping, and “cool down.” [Full article at blogowitz-unabridged]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool name "yerba del diablo" sounds so prophetic and mysterious, I read that along with helping the stomach or helping with the digestion it can be use as a substitute of generic viagra, but I think that it is just a prank.