Monday, April 14, 2008

Cheap Food Obesity

The media continues its coverage of both rising food prices and obesity in America. Clearly, we can't have both simultaneously. I'd like to point out that as of a couple of years ago American food prices were the cheapest in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD! And obesity rates were and continue to be the highest in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

For the ten years ending in 2006, the federal minimum wage was $5.15 (many states have higher rates). It's fair to assume that folks earning this wage are at the bottom end of our economic strata. During this time a Denny's "Grand Slam" was $1.99 (that's 1000 calories of food cooked and served) and that's just the tip of the iceberg (not including other fast food deals and supermarket bargains). Bottom line: Americans on the lowest rung of the employment ladder earn enough money in one hour to sustain their obesity.

As of last year, the rate went to $5.85, or a 14% increase. Clearly, food is up more than 14%. It now may take a low earner 1.5 hours for their daily caloric intake, still cheap when you consider people used to work most of the day just to put food on the table.

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