I noticed the price, $4,590 for something to hold money. Personally, I'd spend $90 and stuff the bag with my $4,500 savings. But there's no explaining i) the female brain (buying a product named after "hystera," Greek for uterus) or ii) people with more money than brains.
Based on the following definition of "hysteria," the name makes perfect sense:
1. Behavior exhibiting excessive or
uncontrollable emotion, such as fear or panic.
2. A mental disorder characterized by
emotional excitability and sometimes by amnesia
or a physical deficit, such as paralysis,
or a sensory deficit, without an organic cause.
The only question is: paper or plastic?
Reminds me of the new drug "Ginko-Viagra" that Pfizer introduced for people who can't remember what the f#ck they just did.
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